The national research center DCCC Radiotherapy provides a unique platform for research and knowledge sharing to support and further advance the strong position of Danish radiotherapy.

The center encompasses all cancer departments in Denmark treating patients with radiotherapy as well as the Center for Nuclear Technologies at DTU Nutech, The Danish Centre for Particle Therapy and all Danish universities.

Radiotherapy is a non-invasive, gentle and effective treatment offered with either curative intent or as palliative care to about half of all cancer patients during their course of disease. The center facilitates national collaboration on many different research projects within physics, biology and clinic with the common aim of improving cancer treatment while reducing unwanted side effects. Furthermore, the research center has a strong association with the Danish Multidisciplinary Cancer Groups in the implementation of clinical protocols.

The research center is directed by Professor Cai Grau, The Danish Centre for Particle Therapy (DCPT). Professor Stine Korreman, (DCPT), is coordinating the research projects in basic and translational research and Professor Jesper Grau Eriksen, Aarhus University Hospital, is coordinating the clinical research projects. A steering committee, which consists of one representative from each of the participating institutions, have been associated to the research center.

During the funding period of the centre (2018-2023), a number of national, interdisciplinary networks, projects and clinical trials have been initiated. These activities are continuing, and a new organization is finalized in 2024 for the national projects.

Read more about the research centre